Course Offering's at Locus Institute

Locus Institute
Locus Institute


Subjects: Maths and Science

Add On: English and Social science

Classes: All Days

Batch Size: 15:1

Mode of teaching: Online/offline

Benefits with Locus Institute

Library Access, Regular Parent Teacher Meetings, Student Progress Report, Digital Classrooms, Study Material, Conference style teaching, Weekly Tests.


Subjects: Maths and Science

Add On: English and Social science

Classes: All Days

Batch Size: 15:1

Mode of teaching: Online/offline

Benefits with Locus Institute

Library Access, Regular Parent Teacher Meetings, Student Progress Report, Digital Classrooms, Study Material, Conference style teaching, Weekly Tests.

Locus institute
Locus Institute

Subjects: Accounts, Economics, BST and math's

Add On: Integrated CUET Preparation

Classes: All Days

Batch Size: 15:1

Mode of teaching: Online/offline

Benefits with Locus Institute

Library Access, Regular Parent Teacher Meetings, Student Progress Report, Digital Classrooms, Study Material, Conference style teaching, Weekly Tests.

Locus Institute

Subjects: Accounts
Economics, BST

Add On: Integrated CUET Preparation

Classes: All Days

Batch Size: 15:1

Mode of teaching: Online/offline

Benefits with Locus Institute

Library Access, Regular Parent Teacher Meetings, Student Progress Report, Digital Classrooms, Study Material, Conference style teaching, Weekly Tests.

Locus Institute

Subjects: Physics, Chemistry and math's

Add On: Integrated CUET Preparation

Classes: All Days

Batch Size: 15:1

Mode of teaching: Online/offline

Benefits with Locus Institute

Library Access, Regular Parent Teacher Meetings, Student Progress Report, Digital Classrooms, Study Material, Conference style teaching, Weekly Tests.

Locus Institute

Subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Add On: Integrated CUET Preparation

Classes: All Days

Batch Size: 15:1

Mode of teaching: Online/offline

Benefits with Locus Institute

Library Access, Regular Parent Teacher Meetings, Student Progress Report, Digital Classrooms, Study Material, Conference style teaching, Weekly Tests.

Prepare for competitives with Locus Institute


Locus institute, JEE

Master the concepts and strategies needed to excel in JEE (Main & Advanced) with Locus Institute's expert coaching. Our comprehensive program equips you with strong subject knowledge, problem-solving skills, and targeted practice through mock tests and study materials. Join us and confidently take the next step towards your engineering dream


Locus Institute, NEET

Our experienced NEET faculty empowers you to excel in medical entrance exams. We focus on building a deep understanding of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, coupled with proven test-taking strategies. Personalized guidance, comprehensive study materials, and regular assessments ensure you're NEET-ready.


Locus Institute, CUET

Locus Institute's comprehensive CUET coaching program equips you with the knowledge and skills to excel across all exam domains. Our experienced faculty and personalized approach ensure a strong foundation in each subject, along with effective test-taking strategies.

Train with the best

Grow your Potential and Excel with Expert Coaching at Locus Institute!